Alcoholics Anonymous Intergroup Phone Numbers in England, Scotland and Wales
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GSO 44-1904-644026
Bedford 44-11582-484948
Birmingham 44-121-2120111
Blackpool 44-1253-792632
Bournemouth 44-1202-296000
Brighton 44-1273-203343
Bristol 44-117-9265520
Cambridge    44-1603-621128
Cheshire 44-151-709-2900
Chester 44-1244-659759
Chiltern 44-1628-530055
Cornwall 44-1752-791111
Coventry 44-29-20-612211
Derbyshire 44-1159-417100
Devon 44-1752-791111
Dorset 44-1202-296000
Durham  44-1915-214400
East Yorkshire 44-1482-830083
Essex 44-11245-256147
Exeter 44-1392-221444
Gloucester 44-1452-418515
Gr Yarmouth 44-1493-440396
Harlow 44-1279-454502
Hertfordshire 44-1438-747475
High Wycombe 44-1628-530055
Ipswich 44-1473-212224
Isle Of Man 44-11624-663676
Kent east 44-1227-455557
Kent west 44-1622-751842
Kings Lynn 44-1603-621128
Leicestershire 44-1159-417100
Lincolnshire 44-1472-362058
Liverpool 44-1151-7092900
London 44-20-7-833-0022
Manchester 44-161-839-2881
Middlesex 44-2078-330022
Mid Surrey 44-1252-521133
Newcastle On Tyne 44-191-5214400
Norfolk 44-1603-621128
Northampton 44-1604-37788
Northdown 44-23-80223198
Norwich 44-1603-621128
Nottingham 44-1115-9417100
Oxford 44-1865-242373
Reading 44-1189-597494
Redditch 44-1527-64715
Scarborough 44-1132-454567
Sheffield 44-1114-2701984
Shrewsbury 44-1792-301907
South Bedfordshire 44-1582-484948
Southampton 44-23-80-223198
Southdown 44-2392-580776
S. Humberside 44-1472-362058
Stevenage 44-1438-747475
Stoke on Trent 44-1782-266366
Suffolk 44-1473-212224
Surry 44-1883-330720
Sunderland 44-1915-214400
Sussex 44-1622-751842
Watford 44-1923-211122
West Midlands 44-1384-482929
Wiltshire 44-1380-729064
Worcester 44-1792-301907
York 44-1904-644026
Yorkshire 44-113-2454567


Nationwide 44-345-697555
Aberdeen 441 224-582184
Dumbarton 44-1389-30700
Dundee 44-1382-818850
Edinburgh 44-131-2252727
Glasgow 44-141-2262214
Perth 44-1738-639999
Stornoway 44-1851-702221


Aberystwyth 44-1970-625574
Cardiff 44-0292-0373939
Carmarthen 44-1267-238888
Milford Haven     44-845-7697555
Pontypridd    44-1685-875070
Swansea 44-1792-301907
Telford 44-1952-256370

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