Privacy & Security The bottom line:
All information gathered is kept strictly confidential and we will not send you e-mail advertisements.
Visa, Mastercard, Discover, PayPal and Google Payments require basic identification information be provided to them in order to process a purchase. That is the only information that we will ever share with a third party. We abide by the Traditions, and always respect our customer's anonymity.
The specifics:
Information we gather and what we do with it.
We log our users' IP addresses to determine how many unique visitors we have and to get an idea of what resources are used most frequently. We also log impersonal demographic information such as browser type and operating system of users to ensure we keep up with our users' needs.
Any phone numbers or e-mail addresses collected are used by us only if we have a specific question in regard to information you have sent to us. The only exception to this is that on rare occasion we send out upgrade information to registered users of our computer programs.
The information we gather is never shared with anyone.
We send out product update information by regular mail about twice a year. Mail is sent only to those who have requested to be added to the mailing list or have placed orders with us in the past. We never sell or share our mailing list with anyone else.
Why it is safe to order from our Web site.
All orders placed with us online are processed on a secure server.
You will know that it is a secure transaction when you see a full "lock"
in the status bar at the bottom right of Internet Explorer. If you use a Netscape browser there will be a yellow key
in the lower left-hand corner.
The secure server software (SSL) encrypts all information you input before it is sent to us. Encryption turns information into a form that can only be decoded by our web server at the other end of the connection.
About cookies.
"Cookies" are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer's hard drive. The only thing our cookies do is to enable your browser to remember what is in your shopping cart between pages or visits. Cookies can't tell us who you are and are useless to anyone but you. Here is the content of a typical cookie:
- C32-AP .2099573 0 689243264 29351891 1085315936 29351659 *
C32-AP-CustCode 5105000 0 1894731648
29497937 1220374640 29351285 *Pretty boring huh? All it does is assign you a temporary order number and records numbers to remind the shopping cart what it is you intend to buy. Our cookies never store personal or credit card information.
A similarly bland cookie is used on our AAquestions discussion forum. Those cookies store the date of your last visit and the info you used the last time you posted something. It would look something like this: