For help with international dialing try these links: |
Information about international dialing |
Country and city code lookup |
Manama |
Dhaka | 0175 104 510 |
Cambodia website
Nationwide | 855-12-222-179 |
Beijing website | (86) 139 1138 9075 |
(Patrick B.) |
Home (8610) 532 5424 |
Work (8610) 532 1510 | |
Shanghai | (86)-137-01715848 |
Shenzshen | (86) 755-2653-4305 |
Xiamen website | (86) 13666087311 |
Guam website
Barrigada | (671) 646-7233 |
Hong Kong website
Hong Kong | 852 25225665 |
India website
Bangalore | 91-80-2215253 |
Calcutta | 91-33-2841202 |
Chandigarh website | 91-94-17037358 |
Chandrapur | 91-7172-251443 |
Chennai website | 91-44-6441941 |
Goa | 91-832-6570221 |
Kerala | 91-495-9249994350 |
Kharagpur | 91-94-34414121 |
Madras | 91-44-615300 |
Mangalore | 91-824-211573 |
Mumbai | 91-24-122203 |
Mumbai west | 91-22-26844400 |
91-22-23075134 |
91-22-23016767 |
Nagpur | 91 5533765 |
New Delhi website | 91-11-55684980 |
Pune | 91-20-4468087 |
Vasai | 91-932-6477682 |
Vijaywada | 91-944-1119954 |
Wayanad | 91-4936-255255 |
Indonesia website
Bali website | 0361-756-652 |
Jakarta | 081-813-4556 |
Israel website
Jerusalem | 972-2-5630524 |
Tel Aviv | 972-3-5786663 |
972 50-934349 |
Japan website
Hiroshima | 81-82-2468608 |
Kagoshima City | 81-992-480057 |
Kobe | 81-78-822-6786 |
Nagasakishi | 81-958265343 |
Nagoya | 81-52-9151602 |
Okinawa | 81-98-9893154 |
Osaka | 81-66-5360828 |
Sendai | 81-22-2765210 |
Tokyo website | 81 33-5762574 |
81-3-35905377 |
Toyohira | 81-11-8113770 |
English Speaking | |
Kyoto | 81-75-712-1703 |
Misawa | 81-176-57-0703 |
Okinawa | 81-98-933-2414 |
81-98-932-1986 | |
Tokyo website | 81-3-39711471 |
Yokota Air Base Friday 7pm meeting, ID needed |
090-3811-8367 personal cell phone |
Amman website | +962 079 961 2874 |
Kuwait website
Kuwait | +965 99089533 |
e-mail |
doug.doodlebug (~a~) |
Laos website
website |
South Korea website
Seoul website | 82-2-319-5861 |
82-2-774-3797 |
Kuala Lumpur | 60-3-2380564 |
Ulaanbaatar | 976-11-351-056 |
Angeles City (english) | 63 45-892-4258 |
Manila website | (632) 896-5707 |
Singapore website | (65)64750890 |
English Speaking | |
Nugegoda web page | (94-11) 2365794 |
Kaohsiung | 886-7-2265218 |
Taipei | 886-2-2971-4620 |
GSO | 886-2-2377-7791 |
Thailand website
English Speaking | |
Bangkok | 02-231-8300 |
Chiang Mai |
082-186-2518 |
Phuket | 081-895-4763 |
Turkey website
English Speaking | |
Ankara GSO website | (90) 312-4341223 |
United Arab Emirates
Abu Dhabi | 971-4-4143042 |
Dubai | 971-4-3949198 |
Please note: These numbers are for individuals
Hanoi website | Charlie 0903290477 |
John 0903475768 | |
Ho Chi Minh City | Ford T. 0903912904 |
website | JP 0903838369 |
For travelers, phone numbers and point of contact also listed with the Embassies of USA, Canada, Australia, among others. |