For help with international dialing try these links: |
Information about international dialing |
Country and city code lookup |
Gabarone | 267-7444-7112 |
Maun | 267-7696-7124 |
Addis Ababa | 251-192193199 |
Accra | 233-21-300277 |
Nairobi | 254-2-784654 |
Maputo | 258- 82-895-9610 |
South Africa website
National | 086-143-5722 |
Benoni | 27-11-4211748 |
Cape Town website | 27-21-4180908 |
Durban | 27-31-301-4959 |
East London | 27-431-24033 |
East Rand | 27-11-421-1748 |
Goodwood | 27-21-592-5047 |
Johannesburg website | 21-11-683-9101 |
27-11-869-9077 |
Pietermaritzburg | 27-33-345-6795 |
Port Elizabeth | 27-41-452-7328 |
Pretoria | 27-12-331-2446 |
Vereeniging | 27-16-455-2986 |
Dar Es Salaam | +255658553553 |
Bulawayo | 0771 288 760 |
Harare | 263-7-12212424 Anne-joannew ~a~