Current version is 2.3
Frequently Asked QuestionsCan I replaced my lost or old version?
Why doesn't the Sobriety Counter work on my XP desktop?
Why is the sobriety counter's "set" button invisible?
Are the indexes out of date with the 4th Edition?
When will e-AA be available for Macs, Windows 3.x, etc?
What is up with that odd looking red and yellow book icon?
Words searched for do not appear highlighted in the text.
Why doesn't it seem to work with Windows 95?
Can I replace my lost or old copy of e-AA?
Registered users of version 2 or later can get a replacement download for free by filling out this form »»
Version 1 is no longer available and previous users need to buy the new version - there is no longer an upgrade given the time the has gone by and all the changes made.Why doesn't the Sobriety Counter work on my XP or Vista desktop?
When Microsoft released Service Pack 2 for Windows XP they included changes that added extra security requirements to allow software, like the counter, to run on the Windows desktop. Since the counter depends on Internet Explorer to show the content, making the counter work would require that the Internet Security settings be set at an unreasonably risky level. Basically, Microsoft has removed the functionality that made the counter possible in order to make Windows safer from hackers that could use a similar means to do bad stuff. We now recommend people try instead a separate free (but unsupported) counter for the Windows desktop available at this link.Why is the sobriety counter's "set" button invisible?
There was a bug in one of Microsoft's Windows Update security patches. In some cases the bug causes the "set" button to turn invisible. To fix it another software patch from Microsoft needs to be installed. You can get it from this Web page »».Are the indexes out of date with the 4th Edition?
No, all of the indexes we publish are for the 1st 164 pages (the main text). The text and page numbers are the same in both the 3rd edition and 4th edition of The Big Book. You can use any of our indexes with either edition.When will e-AA be available for Macs, Windows 3.x, etc?
Click here for the non-Windows beta version.What is up with this odd looking red and yellow book icon?
That is the best representation of a First Edition of The Big Book as it is possible to construct out of 900 pixels.Words searched for do not appear highlighted in the text.
Here is what to try:
Look under the "options" button inside the program. One of them will read "Search Highlight On" or "Search Highlight Off" it should read "Search Highlight Off" because it is actually a switch saying that if you hit it it will turn the highlighting off.
If that doesn't help please try installing the Windows update file referenced in the next answer.Why doesn't it seem to work with Windows 95?
On some older systems an update from Microsoft needs to be installed before e-AA will work. Please click here to download the file, install it and then restart your computer. Then e-AA should work.
If you have any other unresolved questions, please write to us at .
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