The text of Alcoholics Anonymous
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e-AA - $12   Click here for more info
     The first 164 pages of Alcoholics Anonymous plus

  • Dr. Bob's Story and Spiritual Experience.
  • Advanced search capabilities. Type in any word from the book and you will be brought right to where it appears in the text and what you are looking for will be highlighted.
  • The First Edition Stories Including "Lone Endeavor".
  • Subject Index 1900+ Topic and subject references linked to the paragraphs they appear in.
  • Original Manuscript of the first 164 pages - Searchable.
  • Two comparisons of the modern and manuscript texts Side by side printable format. "Edit Mode" format- highlights every change.
  • How it Works comparison. A comparison of The Original Manuscript and Modern versions of How it Works.
  • Concordant index to the 1st 164 pages. Indexed by page and paragraph number- clicking index entries brings you right to that paragraph.
  • Historical notes. Pop-up Historical notes in the text.
  • Changes to Alcoholics Anonymous. Pop-up notes detailing the 79 or so differences between the first and third editions.
  • Dictionary definitions. Definitions of important and/or obscure words from the text from The Webster's Dictionary used at the time the Big Book was written.
  • Random Big Book quotes on start up 60 different random quotes. SobrietyCheck Converts sobriety date to days sober automatically on start up.
  • Word frequency list - Listing of every word in the first 164 pages and how often it is used.

e-AA lite - by donation   Click here for more info
    The first 164 pages; small, simple and searchable.

PDF - by donation   Click here for more info
    Requires the free Adobe Acrobat Reader. Looks as much like a real book as possible. Single .pdf file. 1st 164 pages only.

Plain text - by donation   Click here for more info
   The format of last resort. Just the text as plain as can be.